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Dreams, Imagination, Innovation, Potential, Progress.

A world without dreamers,
is a world without progress.

As well as providing much-needed food and comfort, your donations give our children the essential opportunity to be children – to play, be creative and dream.

We believe every child deserves a chance to dream because dreams fuel imagination, drive innovation and uncover true potential. It’s when individuals realise their true potential, that a whole nation’s progress can be made. is a UK registered charity supporting children and their communities to progress and flourish in Uganda. KULIRA is a Luganda (local language) word meaning ‘to lead; be responsible for’.

A word from a couple of our dreamers


Hello, my name is Abbas (16)

My Dream:
To be a Journalist or Artist.

What Kulira means to me:
I have an ongoing education that helps me strive to make my dreams come true, I appreciate every sponsor I have been lucky to receive, I always advise my fellow teenagers to not give up on education and to dream on!


Hi! I’m Emilia (13)

My Dream:
I would like to be a Pilot.

What Kulira means to me:
I now believe it is possible to become a pilot which I am so passionate about. I work hard in my education to make my dreams come true. My advice to my friends is to never doubt their dreams and work hard at school to achieve a successful future.

5 principle drivers

An equal chance to dream

Currently 55% of Ugandan children live in poverty

Education breaks the cycle

The poorest 20% of children are 5x less likely to have any education

Data helps create dreams

We track our work in order to direct funds and maximise impact

Dreams are best when shared

Our annual funding distribution report is completely transparent

Together, dreams can be bigger

We work in collaboration with our donors, investors and partners

With your help we can ensure that every child has the chance to dream

How your donation will help

A few things your wonderful, one-off donation buys



Provides breakfast for a child for two weeks, improving their academic performance.



Provides a range of creative art materials to help them imagine and visualise their dreams



Provides a monthly salary (a living wage) for a dedicated and loving teacher

Or maybe you would like to become a monthly sponsor

a child


Provides everything a child needs including: school fees, materials and breakfast every day for a whole month

a teacher


Provides some financial security for the adult and much needed continuity and familiarity for the children

Our Mission


To ensure that the critical, yet basic needs of food and shelter are met.

Then to promote, encourage and support the education of young people to create a tipping point, where dreams begin to feel real and within reach.

Through regular, inspiring projects and lessons at school, those dreams can be realised, together we can help fuel the progression of Uganda.

Our Mission

Where the dream began

Being of Ugandan heritage I have a deep affinty with Uganda and in 2018, on my way back to the airport at the end of a family visit, I saw two children playing at the roadside. I always have books, sketch pads and art materials with me, so I thought I’d give them the bits and pieces I had.

I learned that the two children were being looked after at a local orphanage, The Good Samaritan Orphanage. After a quick tour of the grounds and my first experience of the children’s vibrant energy, I realised that couple of books were simply not enough.

I left with a heavy heart.

But I also left with a strong motivation and sense of purpose, I maintained a connection of love and support, and extended these feelings to my family and friends who have generously donated their money, time and presence over the last few years.

Now the charity is registered, I want to extend the same motivation and love to the rest of the world, encouraging a new generation of support, a new community of dreamers supporting dreamers.

Jarah Koomson

Meet the team



Chief Dreaming Officer

My dream is for Kulira to evolve beyond my vision, a dream without limits. I want Kulira to put a smile on faces, increase the warmth in people's hearts and for Kulira to play a part in children’s imagination in generations to come. I would love Kulira to be told in people’s stories of their dreams coming true!


Trustee & Chief Dreaming Administrator

My dream for Kulira is for no child to go to bed hungry so they have the strength and energy to dream!



Trustee & Chief Operational Dreamer

My dream for Kulira is for it to inspire and empower children and communities throughout the motherland.


Dream Projects Coordinator

My dream is seeing a fundamental change in the children’s welfare and leaving a legacy that even our grandchildren will benefit from



Dream Projects Coordinator

My dream is for Kulira to help me share the small things I have with people that are in need and take care of them.